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Some Thoughts on "Why"

by Eliezer Sandoval -

Giving: a sensitive topic. It comes packed with connotations; perhaps obligatory or awkward. Or rather an honor, a life-giving opportunity. For someone like Eliezer Sandoval, he unpacks giving as a source of delight in the light of God. Eliezer is a proud graduate of the DSF Certificate of Ministerial Studies (CMS) program and one of our newest monthly donors. We are grateful to our graduates who give back! Here is why Eliezer gives to impactful places like Disciples Seminary Foundation:

We are called and chosen to be part of God’s church by serving each other. Simultaneously, we are often engaged with a variety of questions from those who demand an answer and understanding of the importance of giving personally and as a church. If we are honest with ourselves, we have asked the same question at one point or another in our lives. This may have even brought us confusion or frustration, not comprehending the totality of the biblical principle of giving.

Since the beginning of humanity, it was God’s desire for God’s chosen people to partake and be part of this principle that had been set out before all humankind. We clearly have this understanding through the narrative of first family of our Biblical existence: Adam and Eve and their two sons, Cain and Abel. These two brothers had a mutual understanding of the importance it was to be obedient to God in bringing God an offering as God had commanded God’s people to do so. This was the opportunity for all of us to have a closer relationship with God due to the actions and decisions Adam and Eve made, exiling them from the Garden of Eden.

God’s desire is to have a close relationship with us as we worship God in spirit and in truth. Those that are able to do so are those that have witnessed and have given testimony of the magnitude and miraculous power of God’s blessings received in all aspects of their lives. If we are those that have made this personal decision and commitment to give to God, we have understood that God has blessed us beforehand.

This vital tool of one who has believed in God, when activated in worship, is able to change the atmosphere in and around their lives: closing doors to the ones who came to steal, kill, and destroy, and opening the floodgates to the One who promises an overabundant life, of love, mercy, grace, and prosperity. When we are united as a church, believing and exercising the practice of giving, there is an outpouring of God’s intensified Spirit in the nourishment of God’s word to the people, for the building up and extension of God’s economy.

Bottomline: let us give God our all. To the one who is worthy of all worship and praise, who has given all as a sacrifice for each and every one of our lives, that we may continue to enjoy the riches of God-given life, now and for all eternity.

Everyone has their own reason why they give...what is your “why”?

Eliezer Sandoval is Co-Director of Capital Campaign at Casa de Oracion, a strong DSF partner in ministry.


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