Giving a planned gift is one of the best ways to make the biggest impact you want to make. Here are four ways you can give a planned gift to DSF:
BENEFICIARY DESIGNATIONS - This is one of the most simple, straightforward ways to create a planned gift. You list "Disciples Seminary Foundation" in your life insurance plans or retirement plans.
WILLS / BEQUESTS - This is another common way individuals and families give a planned gift. You list "Disciples Seminary Foundation in your will or bequest.
CHARITABLE REMAINDER FUNDS - This increases your income, save taxes and benefit charities by letting you convert a highly appreciated asset like stock or real estate into lifetime income.
IRA ROLLOVER - The process of moving your retirement savings from your retirement plan at work (401(k), profit-sharing plan, etc.) into an Individual Retirement Account(IRA). Rolling over to an IRA allows you to keep your savings tax-deferred and typically gives you a broader choice of investments.
In return, it is our pleasure to work with your financial planning professionals – CPA’s, financial planners and estate attorneys - to ensure that, together, we guide your intent so that your wishes will be fulfilled. We appreciate the trust you have placed in us and wholeheartedly commit to serving our shared vision for empowering future leaders of the church.
To start the conversation, please contact us at info@dsf.edu.
Is that all? Of course, not. By including DSF in your planned giving, we include you in our DSF Legacy Circle.
The DSF Legacy Circle is a legacy-giving society dedicated to recognizing and honoring the visionary individuals, couples, and families who have included Disciples Seminary Foundation in their estate plans with a major gift over time or after their life.
By adding your legacy to the Legacy Circle, you are helping DSF thrive for another 60 years and beyond.
Again, if you're interested in our DSF Legacy Circle, please contact us.

On behalf of the students, staff, alumni, and whole DSF Family, we thank you. Your partnership in and contribution to Disciples Seminary Foundation will leave a legacy of a better future for the church and for our world.