An Invitation to Join Us – We are seeking a new President/CEO
The Board of Directors of Higher Education and Leadership Ministries (HELM) seeks a President who will work with HELM’s board and higher education constituents to:
Enrich the current mission and programs of HELM, while strategically looking to the future of HELM’s ministry.
Consult and network with other persons and entities within the
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that include leadership development in their core missions, especially for young adults;
Develop collaborative relationships that strengthen HELM’s capacity to enact its core mission;
Develop and begin to implement a plan for economic equilibrium and a sustainable funding formula to enable HELM’s ministry long-term.
Our 2023 Context
HELM represents the continuation of over a century of organized Disciples commitment to the ministries of higher education as manifested in colleges and universities, campus ministries, and graduate theological education. Identifying, cultivating, equipping and supporting transformative leaders is HELM’s core
work. We live in an age of ongoing disruption of patterns of religious affiliation and participation, a disruption that has been underlined by the Covid-19 pandemic. These new and different ways of understanding and participating with “church” markedly affect congregations, regional and general expressions of church, and institutions of church-related higher education -- both undergraduate education and graduate theological education. HELM, concerned with the development of spiritual leaders (especially Christian, and particularly Disciples of Christ), must continually assess what is needed now and in the times to come.
The President will face a combination of opportunities and challenges in helping HELM enact its mission, relationships, and programs. Here are a few that the Board has identified:
God is at work in the world calling forth and equipping leaders to serve the future needs of God’s mission. This is HELM’s central opportunity and challenge. HELM seeks to join God in the work of calling and equipping leaders for a changing world, especially among those persons in Disciples- related institutions of higher education.
Many expressions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are either engaged in or talking about the work of leadership development. How might HELM take a more active role in networking and amplifying this work?
HELM’s leadership programs, especially the HELM Leadership Fellows Program, are critical components of HELM’s ministry and have important and impressive outcomes. How will these programs be sustained and improved?
Funding the mission is a critical issue. Some endowed funds support HELM’s programs. Operating money from Disciples Mission Fund will continue to decrease. What does economic equilibrium look like for HELM?
Relationships with the HELM’s core ministry partners – the fifteen colleges and universities, and the seven graduate theological institutions affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) – need continued development and deepening.
The HELM board is, overall, an active and committed group. That said, board development and achieving full engagement will be a priority. Over the past three decades, HELM’s staff has been reduced. The President will need to assess the staff—employed and volunteer— HELM needs in order to accomplish its mission. Currently, there is a half-time program coordinator, and two part-time administrative support staff.
We invite interested and qualified persons to join us in this journey! If you have questions about where HELM has been in the past several years, the Rev. B. Chris Dorsey served as the President of HELM from 2014-2022, and now serves as President of Disciples Home Missions. He might be a good resource.
We hope that you will be thoughtful and intentional in your consideration of this job announcement, and make your application before the February 22, 2023 deadline. Or, if you know someone who would be a great candidate, please share this invitation and our job description. The information about how to apply is
located at the end of the job description. We are committed that HELM will be a ministry that continues to make a
difference in the world, and we hope you will join us!
Questions? HELM search@nbacares.org
Click here for a full job description.