DSF's Response to the Events in Charlottesville

August 16, 2017
Like so many around the world, we at Disciples Seminary Foundation (DSF) were horrified by the events in Charlottesville this weekend. As an educational institution of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we rebuke white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-Semitism, racism, and fascism, unequivocally. We do not do so lightly, or with caveats.
We affirm, in direct opposition to white supremacy, that ALL people are equally created in the image of God.
Every encounter with evil is an opportunity to confront our own complacency and complicitness. Our church’s history is far from perfect, and far too often our church has been silent. We now choose to do better.
We strongly hold that there is no place for ideologies that desire “racial purity,” “ethnic cleansing,” religious persecution, segregation, discriminatory rules based on differences, exclusion based on gender or sexual orientation, anti-intellectualism, or xenophobia. At DSF, women are respected, Black Lives Matter, members of the LGBTQ community are loved, and people from all over the world, without distinction, find their home.
Jon L. Berquist
Belva Brown Jordan
Dean of Disciples Seminary Foundation, Claremont
Jo Ann Bynum
Director of Student Life, Claremont
Jinsuk Chun
Director of Mission and Peace Education
Jenny Crosswhite
Creative Director
Vanessa Gorski
Director of Development and Marketing
Clarence Johnson
Director of Pastoral Formation, NorCal
Jess Kim
Managing Director
Leah Laird
Director of Initiatives
Kara Markell
Director of Pastoral Formation, Seattle
José Morales
Director of Pastoral Formation, Claremont
Bentley Stewart
Director of Student Life, NorCal
Laura Jean Torgerson
Director of Education and Mission, NorCal
Responses From Our Partner Schools
San Francisco Theological Seminary
Claremont School of Theology
Pacific School of Religion