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CMS/DMS Program's Online Courses

Midway through the Spring 2020 semester, classes were initially canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program was ultimately able to continue by moving the courses online. In both the CMS and DMS programs, continuing students and new students have enrolled after moving to a completely online format. We expect that even our English-language CMS program will see new enrollments this semester.

The Advantage on Online Courses:

The advantage of going completely online is that the program can now recruit students from outside Southern California. This includes continuing students in Oregon and new students from Washington and Arizona.

Exciting New CMS Offerings:

Further, CMS has now begun to offer Regional Committee on Ministry requirement for clergy: the Anti-Racism Pro-Reconciliation seminar, both in English and Spanish, and a new CMS seminar called "COVID and the Church, Overcoming the Effects."

For questions, more information, or to register, contact:

Rev. Xose G. Escamilla, CMS/DMS Program Director at or 619-232-4737


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