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A Message From DSF's President

Our big news at this time of year is always our DSF graduates. They each have wonderful stories of faith and persistence, and I hope that you’ll be as inspired by them as I am. This year, we celebrated our largest class of degree graduates in DSF history, and we will also witness the 90th graduate from our certificate programs. I’m excited about the power of these leaders to serve both the Church and the world.

Another highlight will be when thousands of Disciples gather for General Assembly in Des Moines, Iowa. If you’re going to be there, please visit us at our booth or join us for the DSF Luncheon where we expect 200 friends of DSF to be present. We’ll hear from one of our recent graduates, Rev. Lori Tapia, who serves the church as National Hispanic Pastor.

Our certificate programs are growing and becoming accessible to more and more people for their education and ministerial training. We’re also launching webinars and other online learning opportunities. Read about them here in our newsletter, and go online to see them for yourself. We invite you to take advantage of these free opportunities!

At DSF, we do our best to teach our emerging leaders to work as diverse teams so that everyone’s God-given strengths come together to do more for God than any one person does alone. We try to model that among the DSF staff so that people can learn by example. Every day, I give thanks to God for the example that you have shown us by being part of DSF’s family, whether as graduates, students, donors, board members, supportive friends and family, or anyone else. Your teamwork makes DSF possible, and every one of you earns our gratitude every day. You’re the ones who have made all of this ministry possible, and we give thanks to you and to God!

In grateful partnership,

Jon L. Berquist

P.S. Next year, Disciples Seminary Foundation turns 60 years old! We’re planning how to celebrate, so please stay in touch and watch for announcements!

P.S.S. Get a sneak-preview of the July 2019 DSF Newsletter:


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